Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine in which extremely fine needles are inserted at specific points in the body to alleviate pain or treat various physical, mental and emotional problems. Qi, or vital energy, travels through pathways in the body called meridians. When meridians become blocked, pain and disease arise. The needles remove blockages and restore the smooth flow of Qi throughout the whole body.
From a Western viewpoint, anytime the skin is punctured it causes an immune response. White blood cells flood the punctured area, but since the needles are very thin and sterile there is no infection to fight. The result is decreased inflammation, increased blood flow to the area and a speeding up of the healing that is already occurring in your body.
Besides causing an immune response, the metal needles are working with the electricity in your body to send signals to the brain. We know this is happening because during open MRIs we see specific parts of the brain become active when we needle acupuncture points. This is how acupuncture can effect hormone levels or other internal issues. The 350 points mapped by the ancients are spots on the body that are especially conductive to electricity. From a Western paradigm the meridians closely follow the nerve and artery pathways of the body.
What does acupuncture treat?
Chinese Medicine is a comprehensive health care system that can treat any illness. Some conditions respond especially well to acupuncture.
These include:
Muscle Pain (back, neck)
Women’s Health (PMS, fertility, fibroids, menopause, etc)
IBS and other digestive issues
Joint Pain
Bell’s Palsy
Chronic Fatigue
Auto-immune Conditions
Almost any ailment can be treated with some form of Chinese Medicine, but we will be honest with you in assessing your particular case. If we do not believe that acupuncture will be effective for you, we will let you know that from the beginning.
Consultations are always free so call us today to see how Acupuncture might help you.
How many visits will I need?
The number of visits needed is based on the severity of the condition. An acute injury, such as a recent sprain, may require only a few visits over a couple weeks. More complex ailments may require 2-3 months of weekly or bi-monthly treatments.
Acupuncture is not a miracle or some ancient form of voodoo. It’s a therapy, and like any therapy it requires ongoing treatment for it to be fully effective. However, most people leave feeling better after their first visit and results build with each session. The goal with Chinese Medicine is to help the body cure itself, not just mask symptoms with pharmaceuticals.
The Eastern model of medicine views the body from a model of wellness not disease. After we get your health to a stable condition, we encourage people to come in monthly for wellness visits to boost the immune system, manage anxiety and mitigate any pain in the body before it occurs.