Cupping is an ancient therapy in which a vacuum is created by lighting fire inside a glass cup. The cup is then placed on the body, usually the neck or back. Unlike massage which applies force downward, cupping pulls the skins and muscle upward. This creates space between the facia and tissue levels allowing for fresh circulation in the area. Cupping is especially effective in treating chronic neck and back pain, breaking up old scar tissue and in treating frozen shoulder.
Cupping is also used to treat any sort of lung issue, such as asthma, bronchitis and the common cold.
The marks from cupping can look painful, but the sensation is more like a firm massage. Cupping marks generally last about 3-7 days and are not in any way uncomfortable
Cupping is included in the cost of your acupuncture session. Your acupuncturist will discuss with you wether cupping is a therapy that would benefit your condition. Stand alone cupping sessions are available for those who don’t wish to get needled.