Breathwork Meditation

Managing anxiety and depression is an integral part of the healing process. When we think stressful thoughts, or replay unpleasant memories, it releases adrenaline in our bodies. Adrenaline is inflammatory and can cause chronic injuries to flare up. 

When the mind is at peace, it creates an environment where the body can heal. Dragonfly Acupuncture will be hosting Breathwork meditation classes and workshops to allow a space for people to calm their mind and connect with their true spirit. Class sizes are kept intimate and beginners are welcome. 

Schedule coming soon!

What is Breathwork Meditation? 
Most of us spend a lot of time worrying about the future, ruminating over the past or engaging in behaviors that help us avoid our emotions. Using a two-part breathing technique, accompanied by a hand selected playlist, this somatic style of meditation gives the overactive mind something to "do" while allowing us to feel emotions that are often locked up inside our mind and body. The breather will instantly feel their nervous system come alive as they oxygenate the bloodstream stimulating the hypothalamus gland which releases serotonin, the feel good hormone, into the body. Breathers often have "ah-hah" moments during or post practice as this is often the only time they feel relief from the day-to-day life stressors. Breathwork is an active form of meditation which offers many benefits that may include but are not limited to:

  • Enhanced Intuition

  • Greater Mental Clarity

  • Deep Relaxation

  • Balance and Harmony in Mind and Body

  • Deeper and More Sound Sleep

  • Decreased Anxiety 

  • Ability to Handle Stressful Situations with Grace and Ease

  • Forgiveness of Self and Others

Side effects include: gratitude, uncontrollable smiling and an endless well of self-love